The Roadmap to Effective Emergency Aid guides institutions in transforming informal emergency aid (EA) efforts into a comprehensive program that increases retention and completion.
The Roadmap provides colleges and universities with everything they need – tools, resources, guidance, a step-by-step process, and collaborative and experimental practices – to create an effective program that drives results. The program is delivered through virtual workshops and/or in-person convenings led by Reos Partners, coaching, and an online platform for accessing tools, project management, and collaborating with others.
The program is based on learnings from an intensive pilot program, the Emergency Aid Lab, with higher education institutions that focused on determining how to best develop and implement an effective emergency aid program. Led by Reos Partners and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the lab engaged more than 100 higher education administrators, senior leaders, faculty, and students.
The lab built on several strategic partnerships with higher-education-focused organizations, including NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education), NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Administrators), Single Stop, and Scholarship America.
Cohorts of 5-15 institutions will begin using the Roadmap in 2020. Reos Partners aims to offer the Roadmap to hundreds of institutions across the U.S. over the next five years.